Saturday, May 20, 2006

A (very) Short History of the Spanish Flag

I think that this is interesting, and realistically in this little corner of the world wide web that is all that really matters...seriously, start your own damn blog.

The green, white and yellow flag is the flag that Columbus sailed on his Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria when he ventured off for the Indies on behalf of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain in 1492.

The red, yellow and purple flag is that of the short lived Second Republic of Spain that lasted from 1931-1936 before being interrupted by the Spanish Civil War. The irony of this flag is that it represented the Republic of Spain, yet the purple on the bottom represented royalty, which the Republic was getting away from. I like this flag, something about its colors make me want to sit in my dorm room hitting hookahs and playing rhythm-less bongos to Bob Marley and Peter Tosh records.

Finally, the last flag to be mentioned is from a brief period in the 1960's when the country became obsessed by everything Miles Davis. For one week in December of 1960 the country had made this its official flag and had flirted with changing the name from Espana to Miles. Unfortunately for Mr. Davis this was reconsidered in 1961 after the nation took up its new obsession with Chubby Checker's "Let's Twist Again".


Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Yo, what up D-vour?

Just checked this out and have to say, what th'? Where's the American flag? You're American aint ya? Or are you onna them commies that hates the place? All I have to say to you is love it or leave it!

Oh, I guess you did. So there, good riddants!

Anonymous said...

I hope in the next installment we get to see the "Checkered Twist Flag!" Oh those Spaniards and their crazy flags, I just can't get enough.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Didn't know about the whole business of Miles. Is that a joke? not serious. The whole thing jsut sounds crazy! And by the way, it's not only Spaniards and their flags, the question is, what's with flags that get so many people mad about/ against them?
Lady Hawke

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.