Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Por que no te callas?" or "Why won't you shut up?"

There was something refreshing about King Juan Carlos's ability to step in and take control of the situation. Chavez's mic had already been cut as he continued to interrupt Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero by slinging insults about Spain's former Prime Minister Aznar(Zapatero's political counterpoint).
The situation itself doesn't make much sense. Aznar (the former Prime Minister) lost the election in 2003 and wasn't even at the conference. I'm not sure what Chavez was trying to accomplish by even bringing his name up.


Anonymous said...

Hola Scott,

I love the clip! Just to clarify, if I may, Aznar has been giving lectures in the USA and Latinoamerica the past few years. He works as an advisor (for Latinoamerican affairs, I believe) for Ruper Murdoch's media corporation and has been trashing Chavez non-stop in most of his speeches. That is why Chavez cannot stand him, nor Spanish interventionist, neoliberal politics in Latinoamerica (which Zapatero also supports). corporations seem to rule the world and they are annoyed at Chavez, who is making it harder for them to take full control of Venezuela.
hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

Sad part of the story: In less than 2 days, there was already available a RIng tone for your cellphone with the king's voice saying "Por que no te callas??". This is how seriously Spaniards take international relations and policy...