Sunday, November 04, 2007

Barack Obama on SNL

This past summer I went to see Barack Obama speak in Iowa. It was one of the better speeches that I have seen. He was quick and to the point. There wasn't much by way of intentional pandering or speech scripted applause moments. Afterwards he took questions from the crowd. Many of the questions were designed to engage him in debate or clarification of previous statements, he handled it all rapidly and succinctly, including a response for the woman who tried to shout him down by comparing his stance on certain issues to Hillary's and then telling him that she was a better candidate.

I haven't yet decided on who I would have voted for in the upcoming caucus in January (which is moot point since I won't in Iowa to particpate this year), but each time I see and hear Barack, I like him more and more.

c/o A. Moritz

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