Friday, January 04, 2008

A Song for the Iowa Caucuses

The doors will be opening at 6.30 pm for Caucus goers around the state of Iowa to make their choice as first in the nation of whittling down the field. That is roughly 1 and 1/2 hours away as I write this. I have spoken with people back home most of whom plan on caucusing this evening. I apparently have piles of DVDs and pamphlets from John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sitting at my parents house. I have been inundated with emails from Edwards, Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson. I got a Christmas card from Edwards and a birthday message from Clinton...and I'm not even in Iowa anymore! (In the interest of full disclosure, I am still registered there, but as an absentee voter.)

This song is called "Get Outta Our Town" and it was written by Jason Walsmith from The Nadas and Kyle Munson, a writer with The Des Moines Register. As far as I can figure it was meant to be tongue and cheek, sort of a joke, if you will. If you follow the link to the actual YouTube page, you'll find that the comment writers don't seem to get the joke.


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