Monday, October 30, 2006

Solve this equation: Floria + Republican = Republican (Florida + Democrat = Republican)

According to the Miami Herald several early voting Democrats are reporting that they have been pushing the button to vote for Jim Davis (D), but their review screen has been showing a vote for Charlie Crist (R). Here we go again.


Anonymous said...

I hope this article doesn't imply that there could be some skullduggery involved in our electoral process!
That would be newsworthy, however the real news seems to be that Kerry disrespected our failing educational system... or somesuch.
My fear is many seem to eat this up,
as opposed to seeing through it.

Scott DeVore said...

Yeah, I had thought about posting something about the fact that Kerry was able to lose two elections in a row for, but decided that I've given up. If it wasn't Kerry it would have been something else. If people are truly this damn wishy-washy then I'm done, piss on it all. How 'bout them Hawks?

Scott DeVore said...

Update: Charlie Crist won the election and will be the next governor of Florida.